Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Birthday !

Here is the birthday poem I got;

For your birthday, I wrote you this rhyme,
As a way to celebrate this joyous time!
You've reached Thirty, although you look more like Twenty-Two.
That should make anyone happy--even YOU!

So, on your birthday, remember to laugh,
And act really goofy--like a monkey or giraffe!
And NEVER let the bad times get you blue,
For, one day, all your dreams will come true!

So, Have a Happy, Happy Birthday, my dear Ploy!
This day is surely One Of Great Joy!

And Buddhist saying;

The quest for Buddhist enlightenment has been likened to searching everywhere for your nose. Once you find it you can't believe that it was in front of your face the whole time. Look under your feet and you will not only find a great place to stand, but heaven itself.

Also, Happy Birthday to Kerry's mother, Bobby's mother, and Ben's brother.


At 8:13 PM, January 25, 2007, Blogger Excalibur said...

This was a wonderful post!

What a nice poem!


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