Well, good mother needs to take her baby to see the doctor regularly in order to have the baby vaccinated. We, again, good mothers, need to see our own child’s tears and listen to our own child’s cries. I wish I could be a bad mother instead.
This time is Pasu’s turn. He is already 13 and a half months. I do not even remember the name of the vaccination because there are too many to remember. Good mother I am, indeed. After his routine of measuring the height and weight, I met one mother with a daughter. We smiled and had a little chat. I asked her how old of her little daughter. One year and one month old was her reply. Oh, same age as Pasu, I thought to myself. I told her that Pasu hasn’t gotten any weight since last month. She looked panic and asked if that was below the average percentage line. I told her that I never keep track of that line. Now I got a crazy look from her. Should I be worried? She just made me feel guilty, like I am a bad mother who never pays attention to all details of her own child.
Doctor greeted Pasu nicely and asked me what he can do. I told her that he can say simple words like mother, eat and he can also walk. Doctor talked with her smile, “He probably walks a lot, according to the progression of his weight.” I smiled back and said, “Oh, yes. The only times he doesn’t walk are when he poops and sleeps.”
Apparently, that percentage line came back to haunt me. According to it, Pasu is a little bit small, or you can call him Shorty. This has to do with nature and nurture. He eats his meal and drinks his milk less because now he discovers new ways of learning and playing. Walking and climbing are his favorite activities. He’s been in this world long enough to know what he likes and dislikes. He knows how to say NO by shaking his head. Well, at least baby knows what he/she wants. The secret of this problem is more milk, more appealing and yummy meals and early sleep. Growth hormone works well at night.
Each baby has his/her own pace of growing and every baby is different. I’d love to see my son happily develops his ability. No pushing, however, a little bit of the discipline wouldn’t hurt him. Is that right, my son?